When creativity
meets technology

About us

We are UX/UI and mobile/web development company that were founded in 2021. Oneline, we are a passionate team of young individuals, each possessing a unique and diverse skill set, honed through our extensive experience in successfully delivering a wide range of projects.
We are driven by our unwavering determination to craft exceptional mobile apps. With a deep-rooted commitment to ethical practices, we ensure that every line of code and screen designs aligns with our core values. Our pursuit of excellence is not limited to functionality alone but extends to creating stunning and sophisticated user experiences.

Our team at WIF conference
Our team at office
Our team at Dev Summit 2023

Our Team

Khasbilegt Ts.

Khasbilegt Ts.

Ariunzaya B.

Ariunzaya B.

Manda B.

Manda B.
Project Manager

Gantulga G.

Gantulga G.
Front-end developer

Myagmarsuren B.

Myagmarsuren B.
Front-end developer

Nasanjargal S.

Nasanjargal S.
Front-end developer

Bayrtugs G.

Bayrtugs G.
UX/UI designer

Our Tech Stacks

React & React Native

React and React Native enable us to build responsive and performant user interfaces for both web and mobile platforms, ensuring a consistent user experience across devices.


GraphQL enables us to request only the required data from APIs, improving efficiency and customization in interactions with the backend.


Kubernetes enables us to efficiently manage and orchestrate containerized applications, ensuring scalability, reliability, and easy deployment in complex environments.


CI/CD enables us to automate and streamline the software development process, ensuring rapid and reliable deployment, testing, and continuous improvement of our applications.

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