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Oneline Technology LLC logo

Oneline Technology LLC


Consumer app (ios & android)

Users sign-up, make purchases

Business app (ios & android)

Business owners manage orders

Business web

Business owners manage products, sales and orders

Project management:

Ochmandakh S.

Ariunzaya B.

Mandarvaa B.

Backend developers:

Khasbilegt Ts.

Design team:

Ochmandakh S.

Mandarvaa B.

Bayartugs G.

Frontend developers:

Gantulga G.

Myagmarsuren B.

Nasanjargal S.

Oneline screenshots

Service we provided

Brand development

Concept development

Research & prototyping

Mobile & Web app UI/UX design

Mobile development

Web development

Icon design


Lifestyle app, E-commerce platform

Oneline platform offers a comprehensive two-way solution for both customers and merchants, addressing the needs of both sides. Our platform includes the user-friendly Oneline App, enabling users to browse through stores and make fast and easy purchases. Additionally, our Oneline Business app and website empower business owners to efficiently manage their products, inventory, customer orders, and gain valuable sales insights. By creating a unified solution, we aim to solve the challenges faced by both sellers and buyers, fostering a mutually beneficial and rewarding e-commerce experience.

Oneline Screenshots
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