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Xyyp Music Group logo


Xyyp Music Group


Consumer app (ios & android)

Users sign-up, listen to music

Web app

Users sign-up, listen to music

Admin & curator web

Service owner administrates catalog, features, users, payments

Project management:

Ochmandakh S.

Dulmandakh S.

Ariunzaya B.

Backend developers:

Dulmandakh S.

Khasbilegt Ts.

Zorig G.

Design team:

Ochmandakh S.

Frontend developers:

Gantulga G.

Zorig G.

Nasanjargal S.

Xyyp backgroundXyyp screenshots

Service we provided

Brand development

Concept development

Research & prototyping

Mobile & Web UI/UX design

Web development

Icon design


Xyyp is packed with all the necessary features. With local and global music catalog, user can enjoy music & other audio contents on any mobile devices and on the web. Our streaming service solution includes: 1. On-demand streaming 2. Offline listening 3. Content protection DRM system 4. Content encryption 5. Content injection system (auto-sync with music labels) 6. Admin and curator web panel

Xyyp Screenshots
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